Add Facebook 'Like' Profile Box to Your Site

A simple line of code is all it takes for easier access to your profile

Published: Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Updated: Monday, November 8, 2010 13:11

Adding a Facebook Profile "Like" Box requires only a small snippet of code in CP5.

We've included the Facebook library on our CP5 sites to power the Facebook comments and "Like" article button. This makes it incredibly easy to paste in a "Like" box for your Facebook profile!

View the attached image gallery to see the step-by-step method to access your Facebook code.

  1. As Facebook page admin, visit your Facebook page and click on the "Edit Page" link under your profile image. [See first image.]
  2. Navigate to the left side and click the "Marketing" link. Next, click "Promote with a Like Box." [See second image.]
  3. Type in your Facebook Page address. Note - you can't use a profile here, only a page name.
  4. A window will appear over the the page giving you two options. [See fourth image.] Use the first "iframe" option provided by Facebook.
  5. Return to the CP5 administration area and paste this code in an HTML object. Your box will appear on your page as soon as it's saved.

Save time and copy the HTML object throughout your site, as opposed to re-pasting the Facebook code into multiple new HTML objects.

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