Uploading Images to CP5

Bulk Uploading Images & Best Practice for Images

Published: Friday, March 5, 2010

Updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 15:07

Bulk Image Upload

CMN Staff

A few key points about uploading images:

1. Make sure you images are RGB formatted for the web, and not CMYK.

2. Make sure that you are using either Firefox or Internet Explorer as the admin browser as other browsers do not render java well, and will cause the image loading to stall.

3. Make sure your java is up to date on your computer.  To keep your java updated go here: www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp


To upload single image for an article, go to the article create, scroll to bottom of the article create area and use the image upload button. Make sure that after you select the image file, you hit the UPLOAD button.

To upload an "image of the day" type object use the objects/elements list, select image element and upload here.

To bulk upload you images, go to the approriate section -> article tab ->image upload.  This image upload is to the right of the "indesign upload".  Here you can take all of your images that you have put into a zip file and load here.  To load hit the EDIT button -> BROWSE for your file -> lastely hit UPLOAD.  Your files will now load into your local content area as well as your main library.

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