The Value of Puzzle Pages

Time-Spent vs. Page-View

Published: Friday, July 17, 2009

Updated: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 09:04

A 2007 Nielsen//NetRatings study shows that time spent might be a more valuable online advertising measurement than page-views. Consequently, puzzle pages (crosswords, Sudoku, etc) are of great value to online advertisers because of the time spent on the pages.

Many print publications that Park & Homer Puzzles work with use puzzle pages as advertising pages because of the amount of time the readers spend on the puzzles. Park & Homer Puzzles also provides ‘free' content to many print publications because the individual publications easily sell sponsorship advertising spots which pays for the service and often makes the publication money.

Imagine a typical reader completing an online puzzle. Not only would the reader spend more time completing the puzzle than they would reading an article, but during the solving they would spend more time letting their eyes wander on the page's advertisements.

In addition, puzzle page advertising provides a niche market for some advertisers. Review your current advertisers that would benefit most from a puzzling reader.

To embed interactive online puzzles into your site and/or have matching paid syndicated puzzles in your print edition, visit Park and Homer's enrollment page and complete the form.

Daily and weekly puzzles include a collegiate crossword and Sudoku. Embedding script and print syndication information will follow. Additional variety puzzles are available for weekly print and weekend editions.

Visit their site for web samples and print samples.

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